Shannon J. Curtis

"A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complex sum of all his thoughts" - James Allen



Take Care Of You To Grow And  Expand Exponentially.


Considering advance technologies with unlimited resources available at our disposal, there is still a struggle to determine what exactly you need or want for greater health and wealth without the medical jargon or other technical know hows. Could solutions or understanding life be only a thought away? Imagine what you could do if…  While there are options, everything starts with your thoughts about it.


Strategic thinking 10x my results.


My life and experience changed since I started to learn how to apply myself rather than just exist. I quit following the crowd so that I can get to know me; the person within the frame.




Mirrors of ideal health is one of our key solutions to help you create the balance you deserve.




We also inc-operate statistic to form the baseline of measure for the status of one’s well-being. Here is how we do it.


On taking an overall strategic view, the average person functions from range 4 from a stats range of 6 levels, with 6 being the highest. This means that ranges below 4 falls into recovery; either of acute or chronic span due to lack of control of either or combined mind, body or spirit matters (includes emotions).




Our book, Finding You: mental wellness explored combined with Mirrors of Health & Wealth our coaching/ mentoring programs, was of great source to help us determine a means to reflect the normal or ideal state of an individual from a static sense in view of existence. The alteration is based on where you are, so that the corrective actions can be taken through adjustments, increments and compounding approach. Finding this baseline as a standard has allowed remedial work to be simplified and fast to bring about solid solutions with reliable remedial implications.




This ground breaking work is not just, theory, imagination or assumptions but a combination of research, study, tested and tried applications backed by law and science  of existence, documented by theorists such as Abraham Maslow, James Allen, Eckhart Tolle, Garry Chapman, RL Hubbard, Emile Coue’, Earl Nightingale, and Naploleon Hill. This further work is challenged by the varying unique parts of a person that requires careful consideration. This means that specialist focus is paramount in critical subjects to gain effective results. To make matters even more mundane, in reality nothing on earth  is static. As a rule, we rely on conclusive desired outcome to fuel the drive to obtain the health or wealth we want.


We want methods that can predict more certainty, if circumstances are *absolute this provides the ideal conditions with the least adjustments for an individual. For instance, if we plant a seed in fertile ground and provide all the other right conditions such as water, sunlight, etc then we can expect the plant  to grow healthy.


Note: Prior to attending our program we recommend you take the above FREE Basic Personality Self-Assessment located at the top of this page. Once completed (yes or no selection only), a generic Basic Analysis (based on your selections) will be sent to the email you have provided.


Please let us know about your experience so we can improve with you.

Thank you



  1.  *Comprehensive i-Sharpeners £40 (FEE book & 10% course discount on selected offers)
  2.  *Comprehensive Pro-Propellors  £80 (FEE book & 15% course discount on selected offers)
  3.  *Fast-Track: Career Advancement, Lifestyle Transformation or Business Growth Coaching (from £170 per package)
  4.   Personal Finance Reset and Discipline (part of 3 above)
  5.  *Basic Business Plan £200 – £500
  6.  *Basic UK Property Education £500 – £550
  7.  Books on sale from £5.99: Finding You and Face Up (go to our About page and click on title, Finding You to access books on amazon)
  8.  Listen to our Audio Book  for FREE (Part 1 of 5 found at bottom of this page). All we ask is that you leave your book review on Amazon to encourage buyers’ interest.


Build your clarity, self-confidence, motivation, focus, sense of direction, health, wealth and purpose with precision.


Tell us your desired outcome and we can assess if we can get you there. If we can, we will design the plan just for you.


Book your call now!


Basic Cohort Program (£49 – £140): Mon – Thu  (10:00 – 12:00, 14:00 – 16:00 & 19:00 – 21:00 UK GMT+1)

Other cohort program schedules tbc


Specialist on Total Health & Wealth through Mind – Available for events as Guest Speaker or Presenter

*Premium Plan: FREE Books, Guest Speakers, Bonuses, Weekly 1-1 and more

Finding You, mental wellness explored Audio Book Part 1 (of 5 parts) Author Shannon J Curtis. Please support our BOOK REVIEWS on Amazon.